Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One of these days.....

One of these days, I will be smart enough to realize that if nothing is working out to stop. At least for a brief break. Today was a completely frustrating morning and I just kept pushing to accomplish things. It would have been a much better day if I had taken a break about three hours earlier than what I did.

This made me wonder if God was shaking His head and thinking, "When will she learn." It is a fact that things will get done in His timing. He has never let me down yet. We will not even begin to discuss the many times I have let Him down. Funniest thing about all this, I just got an e-mail today with someone telling me that I was "so wise beyond my years." Yeah right!

God is such a loving forgiving Father and I am so extremely grateful for this.

Now on to spending some time studying and then reading. Maybe one day this blog will be actually have more than my ramblings. Hey, we can pray for such things to come about. :^)

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