Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Focus....Simple but Hard

After much deliberation and struggle, it looks like focus is my one word (  A simple little five-letter word. states focus is a central point, as of attraction, attention or activity and to concentrate. That sounds simple enough. My sweetie and I watched a show, which confirmed that simple doesn’t equally mean easy. Something can be simple but hard. Therein, lies the problem with having a word such as ‘focus’ for the next year. It will be simple but hard.

All of this brought me back to Craig Groeschel’s book, “Weird”. Groeschel talks about needing to refocus because he in his words “had become a full-time pastor and a part-time Christian.” All of this came back to mind with my one word (focus) because while reading “Weird”; it dawned on me that I was in the same boat as Groeschel. I had become a full time church worker but a part-time follower of Christ. Therefore, as I traverse this new road, with my one word, may God help me stay a full-time follower of Christ and keep everything else is in its proper part-time place. 

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, great word! And yes, it will be hard at times ... focusing always is in our busy, flashy, stimulis-overloaded word.

    But oh what fruit could come from it this year!

    2012 blessings ~Rachel


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