Thursday, December 19, 2013

Early Christmas Present: Free Book on Amazon


What better way to celebrate Christmas than to give gifts?
Therefore, I have a gift for each of you. 
My first book, "Dawn's Dialogue Revisited" has been published and 
you each get a FREE copy.

Here are the details for getting your Christmas Gift copy of "Dawn's Dialogue Revisited"
Starting December 19th until December 21st click below to head over to Amazon.
Once there accept your FREE copy.

May you have a beautiful Christmas.
Have a blessed New Year!

P.S. Don't have a Kindle? Don't worry...Amazon has a Kindle Reader you can download.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clear Winter Nights: A Book Review...

"You may feel alive when you go with the flow, but any dead thing can float downstream" 
-Pastor Gil (Gramps) from Clear Winter Nights. 

Chris has grown as a Christian but is know having doubts. Wax's fiction book, "Clear Winter Nights" tactfully tackles many issues the character, Chris has in this fiction book. Even written as a fiction book, Wax uses Pastor Gil to answer Chris' questions which a segment of Christians struggle with today. 

Pastor Gil, Chris' grandfather doesn't argue with his grandson. Instead, he shows him truth. There were times I forgot the story is a fiction book. 

"Clear Winter Nights" is a fiction book to put on your reading list. 

***A copy of the book was given in exchange for an unbiased review***

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Million Little Ways: A Book Review

"Being a mess doesn't disqualify you from having an influence" is one of the first things in Emily Freeman's latest title that made my heart leap.  Freeman in "A Million Little Ways" illustrates how each of us is an artist. Yes, a businessman, mother, & father are all artist. 

Each of us are artist but we are not our art. Hear it in Freeman's own words:

"You are art and you make art, but you are not your art. You are God's art."

God's art? Yep, we are God's art and what we create is meant to glorify Him. 

Freeman has authored a work of art, which glorifies the Father and enriches the hearts of the reader. 
Pick up a copy today. 

***A copy of the book was given in exchange for an unbiased review***

Friday, November 8, 2013

Unspoken: A Book Review...

All in all, "Unspoken" by Dee Henderson is a good read. The characters are well-developed and this reader had both interest and empathy for them. However, at times, I found myself waiting for the BIG SURPRISE. There is one part that could be seen as the one big event, but this reader saw it coming. 

Even though, the big event wasn't there for me, this is still a good read. Henderson carries the reader through each step of the plot line. Any Henderson lover will enjoy "Unspoken" especially if they enjoy other Henderson titles. 

***A preview copy of this book was provided for an unbiased review***

Friday, October 18, 2013

Ask Me Anything Lord: A Book Review...


"Yes, individuals matter to God." 

Wow, such a simple statement but empowering one at the same time. 
To be fair, I want to say upfront, this post would have happened even if the book wasn't being reviewed by me. "Ask Me Anything, Lord" by Heather C. King is not the book I expected it to be... I am so grateful for that. There has been one problem though while reading it. 

This reviewer wants to soak up each word. The problem comes when we need to write a review for a book in a timely manner. See my dilemma? :-)

Heather's writing draws me in. I find myself not wanting to miss one iota of what she is sharing. 
Here is another snippet of what I read this morning concerning 'individuals mattering to God':

Individuals mattering, 
"is why He (God) framed the Bible the way He did. It tells of God's activity among humanity through the stories of people---broken, messed up, sinning people--- just like you and me...As we learn about these people, we ultimately learn about God." 
(italics mine)

This is so freeing and wonderful. Who wouldn't want to sit here for a day or two and meditate and ponder on just these words. Hence, where my issue of a timely review comes into play. 

Here is the nitty-gritty, thus far, on "Ask Me Anything Lord" by Heather C. King:

~ I am about 50% finished with the book. 
~ Loving the book
~Plan on finishing the book
~Writing review now because review should be done in timely manner

Check out this book, it is available through Amazon:

***An electronic preview copy of this book was given for an honest, unbiased review***

***Links are Amazon affiliate links. These links are used sparingly by this blogger***

Monday, October 14, 2013

Weak or Strong: Which Are You?

Print available for purchase here
"Remember everyone loves a come back story." 
Those words were innocently spoke to me at a conference.  
This simple comment got stuck in my crawl. 


Because I never intended to be a 'comeback story'
Only weak people fall....right? 
Us, Strong people can make it through anything thrown our way...right?


The sad part is we have all gobbled up this manure.
Didn't God say, "when you are weak, I am strong?"

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.""-2nd Corinthians 12:9

It is right there, "My power works best in weakness," so, why are we walking around being 'strong' and spouting "everything is fine"

 Things are far from fine. Fine isn't even on our radar. 

In all honesty, would it make a difference if we answered any other way than fine. 
"Fine" has become the standard response.

 Yesterday, I did an experiment, my daughter and I spent 6 hours at our photography booth during a local festival. It was a simple experiment. I decided to see how many people would notice me not answering to the standard greeting:

"Hi, how are you today?" or one of its many versions. 

Would anyone notice or is the phrase so ingrained they wouldn't even notice me not answering? 
My response was just "Hi" or "Hello". 

The results:
 ~no one noticed me not answering their question~

My simple response of "hi" would elicit responses such as, 
"good" "that's nice", and "good to hear"


I didn't answer their question of 'How are you?" 
A few people looked at me with a strange expression or a head nod but kept walking. 
We must not be harsh with my unknowning 'guniea pigs'
 because all of us have done the exact same thing. 

Why do I bring this all up? Because we need to get real and acknowledge (scripture states "boast") in our weakness then God's power can work best.  

Therefore, today I am stating here for all to see:


It was not my intention to be a comeback story. 
However, we all know it is not about my intentions...

P.S. Also, on some days, "I am not fine" 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Take Flight: A Devotional Review

A Short Review on the Sisterchick Devotional, "Take Flight"

The one thing that is wonderful is you don't have to know about Sisterchicks novels to love this devotional. However, if you have read a Sisterchick novel or two it just means you will love this devotional even more. The size of each devotion is just write and the two authors work so well together with each of their parts. Some days I would read two devotions but normally would stay at one per day. The personal examples from Robin where a nice touch to the book.

**An electronic version of the book was received for an honest review***

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Coming to Understand....

2013 All Rights Reserved
Dew Photography VA
Can I be honest for a minute or two? 
I have really been struggling with my writing lately. While reading fellow Sister in Christ blogs, it is apparent this doesn't happen to only me. 

Does this make me feel better? No, not really. 
However, I just finished a book entitled,
If you follow me on FB you have already seen these quotes.

"So, how can we know that people are reading our words?  We don’t. But the encouragement comes from the promise that what we sow, we shall also reap. We are not promised worldly success or copious amounts of money, but we are promised to bring glory and honor to God if that is our goal. So write for the purpose of glorifying God and you shall reap bountifully!" 

 "We must long to encourage the body of Christ with our words instead of worrying about how fast our blog is growing or how many books we’ve sold this month."

And this one, which seems to be the hardest for me to remember to do:

"Committing our writing to the Lord means a constant surrender of our ideas.  It means dying to ourselves in every area of our lives so God can shine through."

Yes, I am sure we have all heard or possibly even said these words before. But, what I am coming to understand is we need to hear them and say them more often than we do.

Let's try to commit to remind each other more often why we are doing this in the first glorify God.  

P.S. I give you permission to remind me. :-)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Crazy Busy: A Book Review...

Kevin DeYoung tackles an issue everyone understands with his latest offering. 
"Crazy Busy" is a discussion about 'busy' not an answer book. 

DeYoung looks at some possible reasons for all of the busy in our lives and some stomp mercilessly on toes. Toe stomping begins, when we are asked the following question about how often we respond "yes" to request for our time: 

"Am I serving me or serving them?"

OUCH!!! Did you feel that steel toed boot on your toes? Or was it only me who got a good toe smashing by that question.

DeYoung further states:
"Saying yes always looks like the latter, but it's often all about the former."

Don't lose hope though. DeYoung wraps up the book with encouragement. He explains it is not ultimately about being busy but why we are busy. 

As advertised, this is a short book but it is filled with exactly what all of us need. A right perspective about being busy. 

***An advanced copy of the title was given for this honest and unbiased review***

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Faking Grace: A Book Review...

"Faking Grace" by Tamara Leigh is a hilarious read. When Maizy becomes Grace and thinks she can 'fake' her Christianity, she doesn't know what she is getting herself into. 

One will have a difficult time putting the book down. We need to see how 'Grace' gets her self out of the many messes. The addition of the 'Dumb Blondes Book on Christianity' to help her be a Christian was amusing to this blogger; considering it could easily be found on a retail store shelf. 

Want a light hearted read? One in which you will smile and at the same time truly care what happens to each person in the story. Then pick up a copy of "Faking Grace" today. 

***An advanced copy of the title was given for this honest and unbiased review***

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Simply Devoted: A New Beginning

God has given me the opportunity to be a part of a new beginning this week. This new adventure is "Simply Devoted." I am excited for this new beginning and want to share it with you all. There is one catch though...the first session is full. 

"Simply Devoted is a community of women. Of us. Women who yearn for Jesus, for encouragement in our daily devotions, and for the fellowship of other women."

Simply Devoted began because of obedience. Obedience to spending time with God daily. Kayse Pratt tells her story on her blog,

I am one of those people, who can start off well. However, when life happens, I fall behind and then catching up nearly kills me. See with my personality, quitting is not an option. Is this a bad thing? At times, yes...for I have been known to push myself beyond my limitations. Commitment is something I take seriously. 

How serious, you ask?

~I completed a study of Philippians online when I was the only person (oh by the way, I was also the leader) because it was a commitment. 

~ Another time as the part of a critique group, I persevered until Summer while walking through a major family crisis. Yes, I fell behind at times with my critiques (never caught up either) and it was a struggle but I was not quitting because a commitment was made.

Not to mention, the whole arguing with God for years over what commitment I should give up. To only tell Him (yes, I was pretty stupid) that none of them could be given up until I suffered a breakdown...I told you that I take commitment seriously.  

Some of you are thinking, "Ok, what is so great about Simply Devoted, besides 
another opportunity to make a commitment and then have life happen. So, I can feel defeated and overwhelmed while keeping my commitment?" 

Here is some truth, the same thought crossed my mind when first hearing about Simply Devoted. Yet, when taking the time to find about Simply Devoted, the realization came to me this can be different. Here's why:

Simply Devoted is not a bible study.

No particular book is being studied. The focus of Simply Devoted is encouragment and accountability to spend time with God each day. Most call this "quiet time with God." Something I work on doing everyday. Spending time with God but with encouragement and love from other women doing the same thing. 

 This also means: No other agenda.

What do I mean by no other agenda? 
The group will not be telling me about their blogs, books, or other marketing in our Simply Devoted small groups. This is not meant to be ugly, but it annoys me when I am in a study, at a conference or concert and the marketing rolls out....
"We have this book, ministry or etc...we would like you to consider buying." No, they don't come right ask us to buy but it is implied. 

Our first season with Simply Devoted starts this week. Excitement is in the air. Love and encouragment are in the air. We are anticipating our time with God and sharing it with our Sisters in Christ. 

As I mentioned earlier, the first season of Simply Devoted is FULL but I couldn't contain myself from sharing with you all. I will let you know when the second season opens up.

Have a blessed day and stay in touch with God throughout your day. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two years...A Reflection

"I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me."
Proverbs 8:17

August marks two years since I have been in VA, after being in NC for fourteen years. 
With the two year mark of being here it had me reflecting through the last two years. 
Here are some of my reflections...

 Things which made it feel as if the two years flew by: 

~ A year (in September) since my Dr gave me the green light to go and live life after major surgery on 45th birthday in 2012. 

~ Finally getting our house in NC rented in July of 2013. 
This was more complicated than we thought. The house had to be brought up to code before people could move in. As the original owners, when we lived in it, the new codes didn't apply. 

~ Overseeing the rebuild of my parents' house for 4 months at the beginning of 2013. We are still working on the insurance stuff as I write this and some minor issues with the rebuild. 

Things which made the two years feel it moved at a snail's pace:

~ My work in progress. It was started in 2012 but I became overwhelmed when a loving critique group critiqued it. It wasn't their suggestions that did me in but the format we chose for our critiques. I ended up with 7 different Word documents with each sweet ladies suggestions. 

~My photography. This has to be in God's timing not mine. He is the one who laid it on my heart. 
However, must admit to being human and being impatient. Impatient, more often than I want to admit. He is teaching me about "DILIGENCE" (My One Word) through this endeavor. 

Then there are the highlights & blessings from the last two years:

~Attending She Speaks in 2012 and meeting Liz Curtis Higgs

~ Seeing Needtobreathe in 2012

~ Celebrating 25 years of marriage to my Sweetie

~My first photography show at Carme Espresso in 2013

~ Having work in the 2013 Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show

~ Our daughter's Teacher Commissioning in February 2013
 & her  graduation from Campbell University in May 2013.

~Having the privilege to create a video for "Colton Rusk" a Fallen Marine 

God has been faithful as He always is during the last two years. He takes care of my family and I. 
He gives us mercy, love and grace each day. Even on the days, I blow it...especially on those days.

My prayer is to be able to serve Him to my fullest ability in whatever adventures He has planned for the next two, five, or even twenty years. 

Thanks for being a part of this community!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Ripple Effect (The Book and More)...

The Ripple Effect it is the title of Michelle Lazurek's latest book and is definitely worth the price for the ebook. It is currently $1.99 on Amazon and free to Prime Members. 

Yet, I have been thinking of the ripple effect in other ways too. While reading blogs the last couple weeks it seems many of us, including myself, have fallen out of our writing/blogging grooves. It all started with missing one blogging day, which before realizing it had expanded into multiple blogging days. How does the ripple effect fall in here? Remember one rock throw in the water produces the ripple effect. Where more than one is effected? This is what has happened with our blogs. 

Even if it is a small group of people, we each of others reading our blogs. When we skip it doesn't just affect how God uses me but it spreads out to each of the people reading. 

My prayer is for each of us to get back into the groove God has for it. Not ones we think we should be doing but the plan God has for us. No more "if" and "but" excuses. Instead, letting our mighty Saviour live out in each of us. The thing we need to remember is it will look different in each of us. 

Lazurek's book deals with discipleship and leadership. Discipleship is more than a buzz word for me. It should be a way of life for each of us. We are called to make disciples.

"So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations..." 
Matthew 28:19 God's Word

My prayer for each of you is for God to move in you a mighty way this week. I ask the same prayer from each of you. I, further need to be diligent (My One Word for 2013) with the responsibilities God has given me. Whether this is with my ministry efforts, business or with my family. 
Thank you in advance for your prayers.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

One Word Check Up...

Thank you to Tracy over at One Degree Ministries for reminding me to do a One Word Check Up. 
God gave me the word, "Diligent" back in January. It is hard to believe it is already July 10th. 
You can read more about how God gave me the word here.

I had big aspirations at the beginning of the year for me and My One Word. I planned on reading all the verses in Scripture with my word in it in various translations. The truth: I haven't read even a fourth of the verses with my word in one translation yet. 

So...what has God taught me so far about "Diligent"
This has been one question that I return to frequently.
The answer has been interesting so far. 

 Things don't get accomplished without someone being diligent. 

A dangerous thing for a 'reformed control freak' who has tendencies of backsliding. 
God wants us to be diligent but who remembers He is in control. 

Another question: 
Am I interacting with my word? 

When reflecting I see myself interacting with "Diligent" regularly and not even realizing it. 

Diligent and I interact when I :

~ Save receipts and fill out insurance forms for my parent's house fire reimbursment 
~ Spend 6 months looking for new home insurance after Mom and Dad were canceled by their old company two weeks after the fire
~ Continue to write and blog even on the days of discouragement
~ My photography outings produce better quality photos  
~ Feel invisible but remind myself for the thousandths time, I am never invisible to God
~ Read my chronological yearly bible plan even when I am more than a month behind

Long story short, My One Word adventure is not where I thought it would be on July 10th. 
However, it isn't about me and what I want...

Thanking God, He isn't finished with me yet. 

Do you have a One Word for 2013? How is your adventure going? 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Humble Orthodoxy: A Book Review...

I love when the highlighting starts in the Foreword section of a book. This is exactly what I did in "Humble Orthodoxy" by Joshua Harris. I was hesitant to review this book because the description just didn't entice me. The ending result is I am glad that I took the plunge and decided to review. 

Harris handles and reveals the balancing of orthodoxy and humbleness. Harris defines humble orthodoxy as "caring deeply about truth, and in the process we must also defend and share this truth with compassion and humility."

This is a balancing act an Harris shares succintly, passionately and humbly
 how to walk daily in this balance. 

***An advanced copy of the title was given for this honest and unbiased review***

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fear Has A Name: Book Review...

Where can an author take a story of stalking, if he gives away who the stalker when you have read only 25% of the book? Is it possible to have tension and suspense when the stalker is revealed so early. 

Creston Mapes shows us in his recent book, "Fear Has A Name" that he can take a story twisting and turning while keeping the reader on their seat even with a named stalker. 

"Fear Has A Name" takes on the journey with Jack Crittendon and his family. Jack is a reporter working on the story of a missing pastor when his home is broke into. However, it quickly becomes apparent this break-in is not a stranger's doing. As Jack and his family are walking in fear and at times doubting their faith, Jack is quickly realizing their is more to the story of the missing Pastor. 

The ending may not be what some expect but the ride there is worth every word read.

Grab "Fear Has A Name" for your Summer vacation read.

***An advanced copy of the title was given for this honest and unbiased review***

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bad Attitude and a Latte...

What's up with you all? Truthfully, not a lot of writing is being done here. You would think with my foot being wrapped and in a boot because of a dislocated little toe, there would be tons of writing happening. No such thing here. The only thing this dislocated little toe has caused is a bad attitude. 

A bad attitude about:

~Being in pain
~Behind in my OBS (Online Bible Study)
~ A month behind in my Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Plus, a myriad other things going on in my life and the lives of people I love. Needless to say, I have definitely needed an attitude adjustment. In true Fatherly God fashion He gave me exactly what I needed. It came through a post written by Kelli Wommack on her blog, "Living for One".   

Kelli shared the acronym LATTE in her post. 
Those of you who know me, already know my curiosity peaked as soon as a coffee reference was made. God flowed through Kelli's writing to once again show me:

He has placed good friends & family in our lives to put our focus back where it needs to be...


With Kelli's permission, I am sharing LATTE with you:

L   Laughter happens when we are with friends. Whether we laugh until we cry, or we cry until we laugh, laughter usually occurs and it is so good for us!
A   Accountability is necessary. We need to have someone in our lives who will remind us of the goals we have set, the promises we have made, the people we were called to be.
T   Truth must be spoken in love. Good friends don’t just tell us what we want to hear, but what we don’t want to hear as well. And then they are there to encourage us to work through our stuff.
T   Trust must be present to be good friends. Without trust, we are just acquaintances because we will never share our deepest thoughts and concerns with each other.
E   Encouragement abounds in friendships. We promote each other, listen to each other, and give each other courage. We pick each other up when we fall or fail, and we walk alongside each other to provide more stability.---Kelli Wommack, "Living for One"

Here is how LATTE played out during my "Bad Attitude":
~Laughter was present between myself, my Mom and Aunt. Even when Mom had to stay overnight at the hospital after a heart procedure. Laughter is the best medicine. 
~ My Mom has kept me accountable to reading my OBS Study. She is currently in the same group as me and will ask me if I have read our chapter each week.
~ Truth being spoken when the Doc told me it is a good thing my Sweetie hounded me to come and see him concerning my little toe. Because of other issues, it is apparently not good for me to disregard injuries in my "digits," the Doc's words not mine. 
~ Trusting my Sweetie to know what is best for me, even when I don't want to admit He is right.
~ Encouragement from family and strangers about my photography work and following what God wants me to accomplish with it. 
I hope and pray that Kelli's acronym, LATTE will play out in your life this week. Thanks Kelli for continuing to share the messages God puts on your heart. 
Kelli's actual post is a part of a series she is doing on "REALationships" which deals with friendship. Visit her blog to read the series here.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spiritual Lesson from a Shearer...

My family and I went to an alpaca shearing on Saturday. We learned a lot. 
Such as, the alpaca must be tied down during the process for their own protection. 

If someone looked at the process and didn't understand it was for the alpaca's protection, they could misconstrue the intent of the shearer. There are times in our spiritual walk when God needs to "tie" us down for our protection. Others may not understand God's intent and believe He is being a cruel shearer.  Yet, we know the process is necessary. How does one know?

The answer is simple: Spending time with God. 

As we spend time with our Great Shearer we will we comprehend the need for the shearing. However, this is not once a week time in the bible while attending Sunday service. It is intentional time daily in our bibles and talking to our loving Shearer. There are benefits from being sheared. At the alpaca farm they weigh the alpaca before and after the shearing to see how much weight has been removed during the shearing process. God's shearing has benefits too. He wants us to free to walk in His grace. He doesn't want us to be held down by unnecessary weight. No...I am not talking about physical weight here. However, God can remove this too, if this is what is holding you from walking in the freedom God desires for you. 

What is holding you down from walking in your freedom? Each of us have something...
The problem is we fight Him. The alpaca fought too. She did not willingly let them put the straps on her. The difference is the alpaca's shearer can't explain the process to her, even though the pinning down is for her own good. This is where we are different than the alpaca's I saw on Saturday. Different because I can communicate and more importantly connect with the Great Shearer. Yet, even though there is communication and connection available to me. I don't always take advantage of it. Furthermore, I have been known on more than one occasion to fight during the shearing. Upon being nicked because of my fighting, I have the audacity to blame the shearer. Can I get an "Amen" or am I alone here in this reaction? 

While we were at the alpaca farm, the shearer got cut during the process. His words resonated with me as he sprayed a solution on his cut. He stated, "It is always better for the shearer to be cut than the alpaca." His love and care for the alpaca reminded me of all the sacrifices God makes for me on a minute-by-minute basis in my life. 

It is time to stop fighting and understand that God has my best interest at heart. 

Where are you today? Are you fighting God while He is trying to shear? 

P.S. While writing this I remembered a great video by The Skit Guys who represents how we are with God when He wants to remove stuff "weighing us down." May the video and the alpaca shearing come to mind this week; when God is removing the stuff in our lives "holding" us from walking in the freedom He desires for us. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Week in Pictures...Adding to my OBS Blessed List

"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"
Ephesians 5:20

 This weird creature in God's Kingdom above made me think this week. 
In case you don't know, this is a cicada. He is from a particular brood, whom only shows up every 17 years. You can learn more about them here and here


With all my thinking, it became apparent that I am one extremely blessed woman. Therefore, for my OBS Blog Hop post this week, there will be additions and some reminders of my blessings.

He is so Handsome!
First, today is Sweetie and my 26th wedding anniversary.
He was able to get back from his business trip in time for our anniversary.

"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!"
2nd Corinthians 9:15

Second, I got to spend time with my daughter and Boo.
Aren't they adorable walking together on this path?

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!"
Psalm 100:4

She was working on the "big" hill and stopped to encourage us to "come on" :-)

Third, watching Boo enjoy God's creation. Her grandma (my Aunt) helped her hold him. 
She is so much braver than me. 

"And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name"
1st Chronicles 29:13

Fourth, Girl's Movie Night...but I didn't get any pictures of that. 

Fifth, studying the Bible and participating in OBS Bible studies.

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15-17

I am a truly blessed woman and God takes such good care of me. 

How have you been blessed this week? Remember a blessing is anything that brings you closer to God. 

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1st Thessalonians 5:18